5 Tips for Haute Summer Entertaining
BY CHRISTINA DIPIETRO | MAY 15, 2015 | HauteLiving.com
When it comes to summer entertaining, we know who to turn to for advice. Haute Living asked members of The Chosen Few, an elite society for event professionals created by Harriette Rose Katz, to provide their go to tips for having a party that will be talked about for.
Use Flavor-Packed Ice Cubes
“Swap your standard ice cubes that water down your drinks for flavor cubes. Freeze your favorite flavored liquids like fruit juices, teas or lemonades and add chunks of complimentary fruits, citrus zests, herbs, edible flowers or tea leaves. Not only do they taste great, but they have great eye appeal.” Alison Awerbuch, Chef & Partner at Abigail Kirsch
Use Your Imagination
“Create a theme. Take your guests away in their imagination for the evening to an enchanted place via the night’s theme.” Michael Jurick, President of Michael Jurick Photography.
Plan for Rain
“Have a rain plan. We all want beautiful weather for our outdoor events but rain happens. Be prepared, have a fallback plan. Most tent rental companies will allow you to reserve a tent on a ‘stand-by’ basis. Call your local tent provider, determine what equipment you will need and reserve it on stand-by. You will probably need to pay a reservation fee and you can then decide 3 – 4 days out whether you will need it based on the forecast. Think of it as an insurance policy. It’s there if you need it, but you hope you will never have to use it.” – Stephen M. Frost, President of Stamford Tent & Event Services
Create a Great Bar
“Create an incredible bar for guests to gather and sip amazing summer cocktails like cucumber basil martinis or blood orange margaritas.” – Glenn Jacinto, Vice President of Pat Glenn Productions
Don’t Be Afraid of Citrus
“Use citrus in various ways. Mix oranges, kumquats in a clear-footed bowl for a simple but bold citrus centerpiece. Make a batch of White Citrus Sangria by mixing white wine, brandy, and Cointreau. Slice a variety of oranges, fennel, and avocado to make the perfect Summer Citrus Salad.” – Anthony Taccetta, President of Anthony Taccetta Event Design